Introducing Emerging Adults Interest Group
It is my sincere pleasure to share that the Emerging Adult Interest Group has received full approval from the MLA Executive Board, and I am so excited to extend the invitation to join EAIG!
Our first meeting will be October 16th at 10am on Zoom. We will discuss monthly EA book recommendations and how to start building awareness for this age group in your system. This also will be a safe space to talk about your own EA journey so that we can foster empathy and connection to each other and our local EA populations. These collaborative conversations will help us show emerging adults that libraries not only provide books and resources, but also support, community, and empowerment.
If you are interested in joining EAIG please message me in MLA Connect, and I will send you the link for our inaugural meeting with the agenda. The EAIG community will be a place to learn, share, and grow, and all are welcome.
Thank you,
Stephanie Wiant
EAIG Chair